Totally Boss

  • Country
  • Year
  • Running time
    87 min
  • Language
    Estonian with English subtitles
  • Genre
    Adventure / Action / Comedy
  • Current Status
  • Production Companies
    Kaasprodutsen, Tegevprodutsen
  • Director
    Ingomar Vihmar
  • Writer
    Martin Algus
  • Producer
    Diana Mikita, Olga Hartsuk


When clever pre-teens Oliver and Sass create a new product that attracts the interest of a mysterious investor, the boys secretly have to hire Oliver’s recently fired father to run their business.

13-year-old Oliver and Sass make a nose-shaped glasses holder in shop class, which attracts the interest of a mysterious major investor. At the same time, Oliver’s recently laid off father is struggling to find a new job. The boys are too young to run their business themselves so Oliver hatches a plan to kill two birds with one stone: they hire Oliver’s dad to run their business, and in the process they also save his parents’ rocky marriage! The trick is that Oliver’s father doesn’t know that he works for his son and son’s friend Sass. A fast-paced duplicitous game unfolds and starts to escalate when the boys find out what their mysterious investor is really up to.